MODx Snippet Call2PHP

This tool turns a MODx snippet call into a snippet call using the MODx API function runSnippet().



Enter your snippet call into the input box above and click Make PHP! Example:

[!MaxiGallery? &pics_per_row=`4` &pics_per_page=`20` &keep_bigimg=`1` &max_big_size=`770` &max_thumb_size=`110` &max_pic_size=`400` &galleryPictureTpl=`thumbGallery` &display=`embedded` &embedtype=`slimbox` &css=``!]

If you find bugs or get an error on a snippet call you think is valid, post your snippet call in a comment below and I'll try to fix it.

For help on writing snippet calls see Snippet Call Anatomy in the MODx wiki.